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AOC Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu machine translated reference / legal text

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Decree of December 29, 1994 aiming to the recognition of the controlled label of origin - J.O Number 303 of December 31, 1994 Modifié by: Decree of October 9, 1995 relating to the controlled labels of origin, and - J.O Number 237 of October 11, 1995 Decree of August 14, 1996 relating to the controlled labels of origin, and - J.O Number 198 of August 25, 1996 Decree of February 12, 1999 relating to the controlled labels of origin “Muscadet wine”, “Muscadet wine-Sèvre and Maine”, “Muscadet wine-Slopes of the Loire” and “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” - J.O n° 39 of February 16, 1999  [The denomination “Muscadet wine Coasts of Great Place” is replaced by “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” (Decree of October 9, 1995)]

Art 1st. -

Only to the controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu are entitled”, supplemented or not by the words “Loire Valley”, the wines answering the conditions fixed hereafter.

Art 2. -

The surface of production of the wines being entitled to the controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” is delimited inside the territory of the nineteen following communes: Department of Loire-Atlantique: Bouaye, Bouguenais, Brains, Chevrolière (It), Corcoué-on-Logne, Legé, Limouzinière (It), Bridge-Saint-Martin, Port-Saint-Father, Saint-Aignan-of-Large-Place, Saint-Colomban, Saint-Leger-the-Vines, Saint-Lumine-of-Coutais, Saint-March--Coutais, Saint-Philbert-of-Large-Place, Holy-Pazanne, Touvois. Department of the Vendée: Rocheservière, Saint-Philbert-of-Bouaine.

Art 3. -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu”, the wines must result from grape harvest collected in the surface of production aimed to the article above delimited by pieces or parts of pieces such as it was approved by the national Committee of the wines and brandies of the national Institute of the labels of origin during the meeting of November 3, 1994, on Commission proposal of experts indicated to this end. The plans of delimitation are deposited with the town hall of the common interested parties.

Art 4. -

The wines being entitled to the controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” must come from the only type of vine melon, other than very other.

Art 5. -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu”, the wines must come from collected grapes with good maturity and present a minimum natural voluminal title alcoholometric of 9 p.100. Cannot be regarded as being with good maturity, any batch unit of grape harvest having a high content in sugar lower than 144 G per liter of must. Moreover, when the authorization of enrichment is granted, the wines should not exceed a maximum total voluminal title alcoholometric of 12 p. 100, under penalty of losing the right to this name.

Art 6. -

Can claim with the controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” only the wines answering the conditions of the decree of September 10, 1993 referred to above. The basic output aimed to the article 1st of the decree of September 10, 1993 referred to above is fixed at 55 hectolitres per hectare. The output stop aimed to article 4 of the above mentioned decree is fixed at 72 hectolitres per hectare. The benefit of the controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” can be granted to the wines coming from the young vines only as from the seventh year following that during which the plantation was carried out places from there before August 31.

Art 7. -

The vines producing the wines being entitled to name “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” must be cut and planted according to following provisions': 1° - Plantation and control of the vine: the density of the plantations must lie between 6.500 and 7.500 feet with the hectare. The maximum spacing must be 1,45 meter between the rows. The spacing must lie between 0,90 and 1,10 meter between the stocks on the row. 2° - Size: in all the cases, the total of the frank eyes by stock should not exceed twelve. The two following modes are authorized: Each stock will not be able to comprise more than five in addition coursons cut in two frank eyes maximum to the bourrillon, or more than two rods carrying five frank eyes each one to the maximum and two let us coursons. For renovation or replacement of a too old arm, the stock will be able to in addition carry also a courson to a bud to the bourrillon having for origin a vine shoot known as “greedy” resulting from the old wood. The old vines intended for pulling up will be able to carry a piss-wine or half-rod, cut with four frank buds to the maximum, but, in this case, the stock will have to be torn off before the third following size. With an aim of facilitating its fixing, this piss-wine will be able to comprise more than five mérithalles provided that the eyes of the top are removed with only one length drink carrying ten frank eyes to the maximum in addition to the bourrillon and to more one or two in addition coursons with two buds it bourrillon to ensure the vine shoot of replacement. In all the cases, the wire being used as tying of long wood must be placed at a height such as any fertile bud is not distant of more than 80 centimetres of the level of the ground. With an aim of facilitating fixing on the wire, the branch with fruit will be able to exceed eleven mérithalles provided that the final buds are removed, the first mérithalle being counted after the first bud.

Art 8. -

The wines being entitled to the controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” will have to come from grapes collected with good maturity and vinified in accordance with the local practice. They will profit from all the oenological processes currently into force, except for the concentration which is prohibited. However, are prohibited, for making of these wines, the continuous presses.

Art 9. -

The wines with controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” cannot be put in circulation without a certificate of approval delivered by the national Institute of the labels of origin under the conditions envisaged by the decree of October 19, 1974 referred to above. In the event of sale of fresh grape harvest or musts with a trader-stockbreeder located in the geographical surface of the controlled label of origin “Muscadet wine”, the request of the certificate of approval formulated by the trader-stockbreeder must be accompanied by a declaration indicating: - corporate name (name, number of exploitation, address) of sound or its suppliers if it is necessary, - pieces of production of each supplier and their surfaces, - the tonnage of grapes or volumes of musts corresponding to these surfaces, - the total of the volumes presented at approval.

Art 10. -

To profit from the mention “on dregs” the wines of name “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” must answer the following conditions. These wines must be vinified and bottled according to local practice's, they must remain on their fine dregs of wine making as of the end of the alcoholic fermentation and at least until March 1 of the year which follows that of harvest. The wines must have spent only one winter out of tank or barrel and to be still on their fine dregs of wine making at the time of the setting in bottles. The wines with controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” accompanied by the mention “on dregs” cannot be put in circulation without a certificate of approval comprising this mention, delivered by the national Institute of the labels of origin under the conditions envisaged by the decree of October 19, 1974 referred to above. In the event of detention in a wine cellar asserted in controlled labels of origin “Muscadet wine”, “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” and in label of origin controlled “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” with the mention “on dregs”, the requests for certificate of approval envisaged by the decree of October 19, 1974 referred to above for the whole of these wines must be presented in only once. The sale of fresh grape harvest or musts is authorized only with the trader-stockbreeders located in the geographical surface of the controlled label of origin “Muscadet wine”. In this case, the request for certificate of approval in label of origin controlled “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu”, with the mention “on dregs” envisaged by the decree of October 19, 1974 referred to above, must be accompanied by a declaration of the trader-stockbreeder indicating: - corporate name (name, number of exploitation, address) of sound or its suppliers if it is necessary, - pieces of production of each supplier and their surfaces, - the tonnage of grapes or volumes of musts corresponding to these surfaces, - the total of the volumes presented at approval with the mention “on dregs”. The wines likely to profit from the mention “on dregs” can be subjected to the examinations envisaged in article 9 as soon as possible only at February 1 of the year following that of harvest. The certificate of approval and the results of the examinations analytical and organoleptic envisaged in article 9 can be delivered only from March 1 year following that of harvest. (Modified, D. Feb 12, 1999) - Moreover, to profit from the mention “on dregs”, the wines must be bottled in the wine storehouses of wine making between on March 1 and on November 30 of the year which follows harvest. These wines must obligatorily carry the indication of the year. In the declarations of harvest and stock, invoices, book, parts of control and all other documents accompanying the wine or the vintage, the mention “on dregs” must obligatorily supplement the name of name. Dimensions of the characters of the mention “on dregs” should not be higher, as well in height as in width, with those of those composing the name of name.

Art 11. -

(Modified D. Feb 12, 1999) - A titrates transitory, until the harvest 1998 included, the wines on their fine dregs of wine making can be transferred without certificate from approval from the exploitation towards the wine storehouses from the trader-stockbreeders located in the geographical surface from the controlled label of origin “Muscadet wine” with the Vin denomination suited to the label of origin controlled” Muscadet wine-Coasts from Grandlieu “, with the mention” on dregs “, before December 1 of the year of harvest. These transfers must be the request object formulated near the national Institute of the labels of origin, at least ten days as a preliminary. This authorization will be delivered only after analytical examination of the wines concerned. This examination is carried out according to methods' envisaged in articles 2 and 3 of the decree of November 20, 1974 relating to the examinations analytical and organoleptic of the wines with controlled label of origin. The application of these wines will have to be presented by the trader-stockbreeder accompanied by the declarations envisaged with the fourth subparagraph of article 10 above.

Art 12. -

(Supplemented, D. August 14, 1996) - the wines for which, at the end of this decree, is asserted the controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” not being able to be declared after harvest, to be offered to the public, to be dispatched, put on sale or to be sold without, in the declaration of harvest, the advertisements, on the leaflets, labels, invoices, containers unspecified, the label of origin referred to above are registered and accompanied by the mention “appellation contrôlée”, the whole in very apparent characters. The name of name must be registered on the labels in characters whose dimensions, as well in height as in width, are at least equal to those of the characters of any other mention appearing there. In addition, dimensions of the characters of the mention “Loire Valley” should not be higher, as well in height as in width, to two thirds of those of the characters composing the name of name. The mention “on dregs” must be reproduced obligatorily on the skirt of the capsule of surbouchage of the wine bottles profiting from name “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu” followed by the mention “on dregs”.

Art 13. -

The use of any indication or any sign likely to make believe in the purchaser that a wine is entitled to the controlled label of origin “Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu”, whereas it does not answer all the conditions fixed by this decree, will be continued in accordance with the general legislation on the frauds and the protection of the labels of origin without damage of the actions of a tax nature if it is necessary.

Art. 14. -

Les vins de la récolte 1994 revendiqués en appellation d'origine contrôlée " Muscadet " répondant à toutes les conditions du présent décret peuvent être admis au bénéfice de l'appellation d'origine contrôlée " Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu " s'ils obtiennent, dans un délai de six mois à partir de la date de publication du présent décret, le certificat d'agrément prévu à l'article 12 ci-dessus, délivré dans les même conditions après examens analytique et organoleptique. Les vins de la récolte 1994 à appellation d'origine contrôlée " Muscadet " détenus par les marchands en gros pourront être admis au bénéfice de l'appellation d'origine contrôlée " Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu " sous réserve de suivre la même procédure mais, dans ce cas, les prélèvements d'échantillons seront effectués par les agents de la direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes. Avertissement : Les informations présentées sur ce site font l'objet d'une clause de non responsabilitéINAO_19941229_45702/11/2006 Document téléchargeable : AOC_Muscadet-Cotes_de_Grandlieu_-_1999.doc