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AOC Saumur machine translated reference / legal text

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Decree of November 22, 1999 relating to the controlled labels of origin “Saumur” and “Saumur-Champigny” - J.O n° 272 of November 24, 1999 Modifié by: Decree of November 28, 2002 modifying the decree of November 22, 1999 relating to the controlled labels of origin “Saumur” and “Saumur-Champigny” - J.O n° 283 of December 5, 2002 page 20044 SAUMUR Decree of November 22, 1999 Saumur Saumur-Champigny

Art 1st. -

Only are entitled to the controlled label of origin “Saumur”, recognized initially by the decree of November 14, 1936, supplemented or not by the words “white and red wine, Loire Valley”, or with the controlled label of origin “Saumur-Champigny”, supplemented or not by the words “Loire Valley”, the red wines which answer the conditions fixed hereafter.

Art 2. -

The surface of production of the red wines being entitled to the controlled label of origin “Saumur” is delimited inside the territory of the following communes: Department of the Maine-and-Loire:


on-Thouet, Brézé, Brossay, Cizay-the-Madeleine, Coudray-Macouard (It), Courchamps, Distré, Gifted-the-Fountain (exclusively the territory of the old commune of Soft), Epieds, Fontevraud-l' Abbey, Forging mills (left the commune located at the north of the secondary road 163), Meigné, Montreuil-Bellay, Puy-Our-Lady (It), Rou-Marson, Saint-Juste-on-Divine, Saumur (exclusively territories of the old communes of Bagneux and Saint-Hilaire-Saint-Florent), Ulmes (Them), Vaudelnay (It), Verchers-on-Tailboard (Them) (left in the east the secondary road 214). Department of Two-Sevres: Saint-Martin-of-Mâcon, Tourtenay. Department of Vienna: Berrie, Curçay-on-Divine, Glénouze, Pouançay, Ranton, Saix, Saint-Leger-of-Montbrillais, Ternay, Trois-Moutiers (Them). The surface of production of the red wines being entitled to the controlled label of origin “Saumur-Champigny” is delimited inside the territory of the following communes: Department of the Maine-and-Loire: Chacé, Montsoreau, Parnay, Saint-Cyr-in-Borough, Saumur (exclusively territories of the old communes of Saumur and the Dampierre-on-Loire), Souzay-Champigny, Turquant, Varrains. The surface of production of the white wines being entitled to the controlled label of origin “Saumur” is delimited inside the whole of the communes of the territories of the surface of production of the controlled label of origin “Saumur” defined for the red wines and of the controlled label of origin “Saumur-Champigny”.

Art 3. -

(Replaced, D. of November 28, 2002) - to be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Saumur or “Saumur-Champigny, the wines must result from grape harvest collected in the surface of production delimited by pieces or parts of pieces such as it was approved by the national committee of the wines and brandies of the national Institute of the labels of origin during the meeting of November 4, 1992,September 6, 1995, September 4, 1996 and 13 and February 14, 2002 on Commission proposal of experts indicated to this end. The surface of production thus delimited is deferred on the cadrastal maps deposited to the town hall of the communes concerned. On a purely transitory basis, pieces planted in vines excluded from the delimited surface “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny”, identified by their cadastral reference, their surface and their encépagement, whose list was approved by the national committee of the wines and brandies of the national Institute of the labels of origin during the meeting of the November 4, 1992 and September 6, 1995, provided they answer the conditions fixed by this decree, continue to profit from the right to the controlled label of origin “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny” until their pulling up and at the latest until harvest 2017 included.

Art 4. -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Saumur”, the white wines must come from following type of vines, other than very other: - principal type of vine: chenin B (or pineau of the Loire); - additional type of vines: chardonnay B and sauvignon B together in the proportion of 20% maximum of encépagement. The type of vine sauvignon B does not form any more part of encépagement of the controlled label of origin “Saumur” starting from harvest 2017. The wines resulting from additional type of vines must be obligatorily assembled in the tanks with those resulting from principal type of vine before any presentation with the examinations analytical and organoleptic. To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny”, the red wines must come from following type of vines, other than very other: frank cabernet NR, cabernet-sauvignon NR, pineau of Aunis NR. The wines can result either from the only type of vine frank cabernet NR, or of a type of vine assembly with in this case obligatorily of the frank cabernet NR. The wines resulting from the type of vines cabernet-sauvignon NR and pineau of Aunis NR must be obligatorily assembled in the tanks with those resulting from the type of vine frank cabernet NR before any presentation with the examinations analytical and organoleptic.

Art 5. -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Saumur”, the white wines must come from collected grapes with good maturity and present a minimum average natural title alcoholometric voluminal of 9%. To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny”, the red wines must come from collected grapes with good maturity and present a minimum average natural title alcoholometric voluminal of 9,5%. Any unit batch of vintage intended for making of white wines in controlled label of origin “Saumur” must have a richness sweetens some at least equal to 144 grams per liter of must. Any unit batch of vintage intended for making of red wines in controlled label of origin “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny” must have a richness sweetens some at least equal to 162 grams per liter of must. Moreover, when the authorization of enrichment is granted, the wines should not exceed a maximum total voluminal title alcoholometric of 12,50% under penalty of losing the right to name.

Art 6. -

The basic output is fixed: - for the white wines with 60 hectolitres with the hectare; - for the red wines with 55 hectolitres with the hectare. The output stop is fixed: - for the white wines with 72 hectolitres with the hectare; - for the red wines with 69 hectolitres with the hectare. The benefit of the controlled label of origin can be granted to the wines coming from the young vines only as from the second year following that during which the plantation was carried out places from there before August 31, with null output previous years.

Art 7. -

The vines producing the classified wine controlled “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny” must be led and cut in accordance with the provisions hereafter: Minimal distance enters the seedlings on the row: 1 meter; A number of frank eyes: - for the type of vine pineau of Aunis NR: to the maximum 10 frank eyes per stock with a maximum of 6 frank eyes on long wood. The maximum number of frank eyes can be changed to 12 since the number of frank eyes on long wood is to the maximum of 4; - for the type of vine chenin b: to the maximum 10 frank eyes per stock with a maximum of 6 frank eyes on long wood. The maximum number of frank eyes can be changed to 12 since the number of frank eyes on long wood is to the maximum of 4. However, the vines planted before 1980 can be cut with a long wood having to the maximum 7 frank eyes; - for the type of vines frank cabernet NR, cabernet-sauvignon NR, chardonnay B, sauvignon b: to the maximum 12 frank eyes per stock with a maximum of 8 frank eyes on long wood. The maximum number of frank eyes can be changed to 14 since the number of frank eyes on long wood is to the maximum of 5; Minimal density of the plantations to be taken into account to determine the distances on the row and the spacings between rows: 4.000 stocks with the hectare. The minimal density of plantation is lowered to 3.300 feet with the hectare for the trained vines of which the height of foliage corresponds to 0,6 times the spacing between the rows. The lower level of the foliage is measured starting from a height minimum of 40 centimetres above the ground, the higher level is measured with the height of trimming. To profit from the provisions of the subparagraph above, the owners of the vines concerned must make them identify near the services of the national Institute of the labels of origin at the latest before June 30 of the year which follows the publication of this decree. In the case of new plantations, this request for identification must be carried out at the latest on August 31 which follows the plantation. However, vines planted before the date of publication of this decree which: - respect neither the minimal density of 4.000 stocks to the hectare nor the height of foliage defined above can produce classified wines controlled “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny” until their pulling up, and at the latest ten years after the date of publication of this decree. This time is increased to twenty-five years after the date of publication of this decree for the vines of which the density of plantation is lower than 3.300 stocks with the hectare since they respect the provisions concerning the height of foliage; - do not respect the minimal distance between stocks on the row, but of which the density of plantation is at least 4.000 stocks with the hectare and the height of foliage is at least equal to 0,6 times the spacing between rows, can produce wines with label of origin controlled “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny” until their pulling up and at the latest twenty-five years after the date of publication of this decree. To profit from the provisions of the subparagraph above, the owners of the vines concerned must make them identify near the services of the national Institute of the labels of origin at the latest before June 30 of the year which follows the publication of this decree. The lists of the pieces concerned are approved by the national committee of the wines and brandies.

Art 8. -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny”, the wines must be elaborate according to local practice's. They profit from all the oenological processes authorized by the laws and payments in force, except the concentration which is prohibited. The white wines must present after fermentation less than 7 grams per liter of residual sugars. This limit does not apply to the wines worked out without any enrichment and resulting from grape harvest having a high content in sugars higher than 213 grams per liter.

Art 9. -

The wines with controlled label of origin “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny” cannot be put in circulation without a certificate of approval delivered by the national Institute of the labels of origin under the conditions envisaged by the decree of October 19, 1974 referred to above.

Art 10. -

The wines for which under the present decree is asserted the controlled label of origin “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny” supplemented or not by the words “Loire Valley” not being able to be declared after harvest, to be offered to the public, to be dispatched, put on sale or sold without, in the declaration of harvest, the advertisements, on the leaflets, labels, invoices, containers unspecified, the controlled label of origin referred to above are registered and accompanied by the mention “appellation contrôlée”, the whole in very apparent characters. The name of name must be registered on the labels in characters whose dimensions, as well in height as in width, should not be lower than half of those of the characters of any other mention appearing there. The name of “Champigny” must be placed immediately after that of “Saumur” and printed in identical characters, of the same color, and whose dimensions as well in height as in width should not exceed those of the characters of the controlled label of origin “Saumur”. Dimensions of the characters of the mention “Loire Valley” should not be higher, as well in height as in width, to two thirds of those of the characters composing the name of name. The wines declared after harvest with name “Saumur” or “Saumur-Champigny” cannot be sold under the controlled label of origin “Anjou”. The mention of the type of vine name should not appear in the same visual field as that of the name of name.

Art. 11. -

L'emploi de toute indication ou de tout signe susceptible de faire croire à l'acheteur que des vins ont droit à l'appellation d'origine contrôlée " Saumur " ou " Saumur Champigny " alors qu'ils ne répondent pas à toutes les conditions fixées par le présent décret est poursuivi conformément à la législation générale sur les fraudes et sur la protection des appellations d'origine, sans préjudice des sanctions d'ordre fiscal, s'il y a lieu.

Art. 12. -

Les dispositions du décret du 31 décembre 1957 relatives aux appellations d'origine contrôlées " Saumur " et " Saumur-Champigny " sont abrogées.

Art. 13. -

Le ministre de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie, le ministre de l'agriculture et de la pêche et la secrétaire d'Etat aux petites et moyennes entreprises, au commerce et à l'artisanat sont chargés, chacun en ce qui le concerne, de l'exécution du présent décret, qui sera publié au Journal officiel de la République française. I N A O AOC Saumur - 2002.doc Tous droits de reproduction réservés Page 1 sur 3 Avertissement : Les informations présentées sur ce site font l'objet d'une clause de non responsabilitéINAO_20021205_47702/11/2006 Document téléchargeable : AOC_Saumur_-_2002.doc