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AOC Beaujolais, Beaujolais supérieur machine translated reference / legal text

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Decree of November 26, 2004 relating to the controlled labels of origin “Beaujolais wine” and “higher Beaujolais wine” - J.O n° 277 of November 28, 2004 page 20269 text n° 62

Article 1Seuls can profit from L ? name D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wine”, initially recognized by the decree of September 12, 1937, the red, rosy and white wines answering the conditions fixed by this decree. Only can profit from L ? name D ? controlled origin “higher Beaujolais wine” the red wines answering the conditions fixed by this decree. Geographical article 2L ? surface of production of the wines is consisted the territory of the following communes: Department of the Rhone Alix, Handle, Arbresle (L ?), Ardillats (Them), Arnas, Bagnols, Beaujeu, Belleville, Belmont, Blacé, Wood-

D ? Oingt (It), Breuil (It), Bully, Cercié, Chambost-Allières, Chamelet, Charentay, Charnay, Châtillon-d ? Azergues, Chazay-d ? Azergues, Chénas, Chessy-the-Mines, Chiroubles, Cogny, Corcelles-in-Beaujolais wine, Dareizé, Denicé, Emeringes, Flowered, Frontenas, Gleizé, Jarnioux, Juliénas, Jullié, Lacenas, Lachassagne, Lancié, Lantignié, Légny, Létra, Liergues, Filed, Lozanne, Lucenay, Marchampt, Marcy, Moiré, Montmelas-Saint-Sorlin, Morancé, Nuelles, Odenas, Oingt, Olmes (Them), Perréon (It), Apple trees, Pouilly-le-Monial, Quincié-in-Beaujolais wine, Régnié-Durette, Rivolet, Saint-Clement-on-Valsonne, Saint-Cyr-the-Chatoux, Saint-Didier-on-Beaujeu, Saint-Etienne-of-Oullières, Saint-Etienne-the-Game preserve, Saint-Germain-on-L ? Arbresle, Saint-George-of-Reneins, Saint-Jean-D ? Ardières, Saint-Jean-of-Vines, Saint-Julien, Saint-Just-D ? Avray, Saint-Lager, Saint-Laurent-D ? Oingt, Saint-Wolf, Saint-Romain-of-Popey, Saint-Vérand, Holy-Paule, Room-Arbuissonnas-in-Beaujolais wine, Sarcey, Ternand, Theizé, Be worth-in-Beaujolais wine, Vauxrenard, Vernay, City-on-Jarnioux, Villié-Morgon. Department of Saone-et-Loire Chaintré, Chânes, Vault-of-Guinchay (It), Chasselas, the Crêches-on-Saone, Leynes, Pruzilly, Romanèche-Thorins, Saint-Love-Bellevue, Saint-Symphorien-D ? Ancelles, Saint-Vérand. Article 3Les wines result from grapes collected in L ? surface geographical of production, in a surface delimited by piece or part of piece such qu ? it was approved by the national committee of the wines and brandies of L ? national Institut of names D ? origin, at the meetings of February 9, 1972, June 4, 1980, September 11, 1985, September 17, 1986, June 2, 1988, 22 and February 23, 1989, November 8, 1989, the 18 and May 19, 1995, the 27 and May 28, 1998 and the 22 and May 23, 2003, on Commission proposal D ? expert indicated to this end. L ? surface compartmental thus delimited is deferred on the cadrastal maps deposited to the town hall of the common interested parties. With title transitory, pieces identified by their references cadastral and their surfaces, whose list was approved by the national committee of the wines and brandies of L ? national Institut of names D ? origin, at its meeting of September 9, 1999, provided qu ? they answer the conditions fixed by this decree, continue to profit for their harvest from the right to L ? name D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wine” jusqu ? with their pulling up and at the latest jusqu ? with harvest 2013 included. Article 41° the red and rosy wines come from the type of vine gamay NR. However, jusqu ? with harvest 2015, the wines resulting from pieces planted in pinot black NR within the maximum limit of 15% of L ? encépagement can be used in assembly. L ? encépagement is included/understood like that of the totality of the pieces of L ? exploitation producing the wine of L ? name for the color considered. L ? use D ? to incorporate in mixture in the vines intended to produce the wines with name D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wine” and “Beaujolais wine a higher” certain number of seedlings of chardonnay B, white grape B, melon B, pinot black NR or pinot gray G, and of which the total percentage can S ? raise at 15% at most, remains authorized. 2° the white wines come from the type of vine chardonnay B. the white wines also can, for the vines in place before November 28, 2004, to come from the type of vine white grape B jusqu ? with harvest 2024 included.

Article 51° Led vines. The pieces of vines are arranged and cultivated in the respect of the inherent characteristics of the grounds and L ? environment, in particular with L ? scale of the basins slopes. The pieces of the vines are led in accordance with a technical reglementation adopted by the national committee of the wines and brandies of L ? national Institut of names D ? origin at the time of the meeting of the 27 and May 28, 2004 and whose respect is controlled under the conditions envisaged with L ? article R. 641-

83 of the rural code. This technical payment can be consulted near the services of L ? national Institut of names D ? origin and the trade union of defense of L ? name. 2° the red and rosy wines come from vines planted and cut according to following provisions': has) Density of plantation: The vines have a minimal density of plantation of 6.000 feet at L ? hectare. However, the vines places from there before November 28, 2004 can present, after partial pulling up, a density of settlement ranging between 5.000 and 6.000 feet with L ? hectare jusqu ? with their complete pulling up and at the latest jusqu ? with harvest 2034 included, provided D ? a declaration in particular specifying the designation and the surface of the new pieces or parts of transformed pieces, transmitted to the services of L ? national Institut of names D ? origin at the latest on July 31 of the transformation campaign. These vines are trained in a permanent way in accordance with the provisions of the paragraph B of this article. L ? average spacing between the rows cannot exceed 2,30 meters. For these vines, the limiting ceiling of classification aimed at L ? article R. 641-76 of the rural code is tiny room of 17% compared to the limiting ceiling of classification applicable to the other vines producing the wine of L ? name. The surfaces concerned are mentioned with share in the declaration of harvest. L ? spacing between feet on the same row cannot be lower than 0,8 meter. b) Structure of the useful foliage: For the trained vines in a permanent way, C ? be-with-statement comprising at least an elevating wire level, the useful height of trained foliage cannot be lower than 0,6 times L ? spacing between the rows. This height is measured between the lower limit of the foliage and the higher limit of trimming. For the not trained vines, the average distance between rows cannot exceed 1,50 meter. c) Size: The only authorized modes of size are as follows: Short size: the vine is led in range, goblet or simple, double cord or charmet. Each foot comprises from three to five coursons cut in one or two frank eyes. For renovation, each foot can also comprise a courson cut with one or two frank eyes on greedy resulting from the old wood. Long size: the vine is led in guyot simple. Each foot comprises a rod in 6 frank eyes to the maximum and a courson with one or two eyes frank. Whatever its mode of size, each foot cannot comprise on the whole more than ten frank eyes and eight branches developed carrying bunches after disbudding, called pruning locally. The term: “pruning” is included/understood like L ? removal of any useless or undesirable branch. 3° the white wines come from vines planted and cut according to following provisions': has) Density of plantation: The vines have a minimal density of plantation of 7.000 feet at L ? hectare, L ? spacing between feet on the same row which cannot be lower than 0,80 meter. b) Structure of the useful foliage: The vines have a height of trained useful foliage nonlower than 0,6 times L ? spacing between the rows. This height is measured between the lower limit of the foliage and the higher limit of trimming. c) Size: The only authorized modes of size are as follows: Cut guyot: each foot comprises only one rod carrying to more the eight eyes frank and only one courson carrying to more the two frank eyes; Size known as “cuts with tail of Mâconnais”: each foot comprises only one rod carrying to more the twelve eyes frank and only one courson carrying to more the two frank eyes, that is to say fourteen frank eyes at most, supplemented by two nonproducing eyes of renewal. However, for the vines in place before August 31, 1975, each foot can comprise two rods carrying each one with more the twelve frank eyes and two let us coursons carrying each one with more the two frank eyes, that is to say twenty-eight frank eyes at the maximum. The rods are curved, the points attached to the lower wire of training. Article 61° the red wines and rosy D ? name D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wine” come from collected grapes with good maturity and present a minimum natural voluminal title alcoholometric of 9,5%. Cannot be regarded as being with good maturity any unit batch of vintage having a high content in sugar lower than 153 grams per liter of must. Lorsqu ? an authorization D ? enrichment is granted, these wines cannot present a total voluminal title alcoholometric higher than 12,5%, under penalty of losing the right to L ? name considered. 2° the red wines D ? name D ? controlled origin “higher Beaujolais wine” come from collected grapes with good maturity and present a minimum natural voluminal title alcoholometric of 10%. Cannot be regarded as being with good maturity any unit batch of vintage having a high content in sugar lower than 162 grams per liter of must. Lorsqu ? an authorization D ? enrichment is granted, these wines cannot present a total voluminal title alcoholometric higher than 12,5% under penalty of losing the right to L ? name considered. 3° the white wines come from collected grapes with good maturity and present a minimum natural voluminal title alcoholometric of 10,5%. Cannot be regarded as being with good maturity any unit batch of vintage having a high content in sugars lower than 161,5 grams per liter of must. Lorsqu ? an authorization D ? enrichment is granted, these wines cannot present a total voluminal title alcoholometric higher than 13% under penalty of losing the right to L ? name considered.

Article 71° For the red wines and rosy D ? name D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wine”, the basic output aimed at L ? article R. 641-

73 of the rural code is fixed at 64 hectolitres per hectare. The output stop aimed at L ? article R. 641-76 of the rural code is fixed at 69 hectolitres per hectare. The best performance of production aimed at L ? article R. 641-78 of the rural code is fixed at 76 hectolitres per hectare. 2° For the red wines D ? name D ? controlled origin “higher Beaujolais wine”, the basic output aimed at L ? article R. 641-73 of the rural code is fixed at 62 hectolitres per hectare. The output stop aimed at L ? article R. 641-76 of the rural code is fixed at 67 hectolitres per hectare. The best performance of production aimed at L ? article R. 641-78 of the rural code is fixed at 74 hectolitres per hectare. 3° For the white wines, the basic output aimed at L ? article R. 641-73 of the rural code is fixed at 60 hectolitres with L ? hectare. The output stop envisaged with L ? article R. 641-76 of the rural code is fixed at 72 hectolitres with L ? hectare. 4° the benefit of L ? name D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wine” or “higher Beaujolais wine” cannot be asserted on pieces which N ? were not completely collected. Article 81° the wines are vinified in accordance with the local practice. 2° the red and rosy wines cannot present, after fermentation, a sugar content fermentable higher than 2 grams per liter. Only can profit from the ranking “new” or “early product”, in accordance with L ? article 2 of the decree of November 15, 1967 referred to above, the wines which come from whole collected grapes. The recourse to any system of mechanical harvest S ? carries out in accordance with a technical payment, which envisages in particular their approval and subjects their use to an annual declaration transmitted to the services of L ? national Institut of names D ? origin at the latest on June 15 preceding the countryside D ? use. This technical payment, approved by the national committee of the wines and brandies of L ? national Institut of names D ? origin at the time of the the 27 and May 28, 2004 meeting, can be consulted near the services of the aforesaid institute and of the trade union of defense of L ? name. 3° For the white wines, the recourse to any technique of concentration is prohibited. These wines cannot present, after fermentation, a sugar content fermentable higher than 4 grams per liter.

Article 9Les wines cannot be put in circulation with L ? name D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wine” or “Beaujolais wine higher” without a certificate D ? approval delivered by L ? national Institut of names D ? origin under the conditions laid down than articles R. 641-

94 with R. 641-98 of the rural code. Article 10Les wines for which, under the present decree, are asserted L ? name D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wines” or “Beaujolais wines higher” cannot be declared after harvest, offered to the public, dispatched, put on sale or sold without in the declarations of harvest and stock, the documents D ? accompaniment and the advertisements, on the leaflets, unspecified labels, containers, names D ? origin referred to above being accompanied by the mention “Appellation contrôlée” in very apparent characters. Article 11L ? use of any indication or any sign likely to make believe to L ? purchasing qu ? a wine is entitled to L ? name D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wine” or “higher Beaujolais wine” then qu ? it does not answer all the conditions fixed by this decree is continued in accordance with the general legislation on the repression of the frauds and the protection of names D ? origin, without damage of the sanctions D ? tax order, if necessary. Article 12Le decree of October 19, 1998 relating to L ? name D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wines”, the decree of September 12, 1937 relating to L ? name D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wine” and the provisions relating to names D ? controlled origin “Beaujolais wine” and “Beaujolais wine higher” appearing in L ? stopped of bearing September 17, 1956 regulation of the size of the vines producing the wines than name D ? origin controlled of Burgundy are repealed.

Article 13Le minister D ? State, minister of L ? economy, finances and L ? industry, the minister of L ? agriculture, L ? food, of fishing and the rural businesses, the minister delegated to small and medium-

sized companies, the trade, L ? craft industry, the liberal professions and consumption and the secretary D ? State with the budget and the budgetary reform are charged, each one in what relates to it, of L ? execution of this decree, which will be published in the Journal officiel de la République française. Avertissement : Les informations présentées sur ce site font l'objet d'une clause de non responsabilitéINAO_20041126_66502/11/2006 Document téléchargeable : AOC_Beaujolais_et_Beaujolais_superieur_-_2004.doc