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AOC Champagne machine translated reference / legal text

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- Conditions of production Decree No 90-464 of May 31, 1990 relating to the controlled label of origin - J.O Number 131 of June 8, 1990 Decree of December 22, 1994 relating to the controlled label of origin - J.O Number 301 of December 29, 1994 Decree of October 14, 1997 relating to the controlled label of origin - J.O Number 241 of October 16, 1997 Decree of April 12, 1999 relating to the labelling of the wines with controlled label of origin “Champagne” - J.O n° 86 of April 13, 1999

Art 16. -

Collecting or manufacturers having the right to give to their sparkling wines the label of origin “champagne” will have, moreover justifications required by article 12 of this law, to store, handle and completely handle their grape harvest and their wines in buildings separated without any communication other than by the public highway, with all buildings containing of the grape harvest or wines to which the label of origin “champagne will not apply”.

Art 17. -

(Replaced, L. 22 juil. 1927, supplemented, D.L. Sept. 28 l935 and June 17, 1938, modified D.90-464 of May 31, 1990) - the label of origin “Champagne” is applicable only to the wines which are collected and entirely handled within the limits of wine Champagne and which, made sparkling by fermentation in bottles, comes from a surface from production and type of vines answering the conditions hereafter stated. Is subordinated to the same conditions the use of all denominations derived from the word “champagne”. At the end of article 6 item 5 of the Payment (E.E.C.) n°3309/85, the denomination “method Champagne” is reserved from now on for wines AOC Champagne. The wines made sparkling by fermentation in large containers will have on the label, to be marked “sparkling wine produced out of closed tank”. The wine Champagne includes/understands exclusively: 1° territories defined in the decree of December 17, 1908; 2° communes of the old Champagne province and the old county of the Bar-on-Seine, not included/understood to that the decree, but for which name “champagne” was asserted in one or more declarations of harvests made of 1919 to 1924 inclusively, according to methods' prescribed in article 11 of this law; 3° communes of Cunfin, Trannes and Précy-Saint-Martin (Paddle). In these territories and communes, only the grounds currently planted in vines or which were devoted there before the phylloxerna invasion, can confer on their wines the right to name “champagne”. The only grapes suitable for champagnization are those which come from following type of vines: various varieties of pinot, the arbanne, the small meslier. (Repealed, D. of December 22, 1994) (Replaced, D. of December 22, 1994) - Independently of the other conditions of production above envisaged, the controlled label of origin “Champagne” is allotted only to the following conditions: 1 - Wines resulting from outputs lower or equal to 13.000 kilogrammes of grapes per hectare of vine in production; 2 - In the case of young vines, wines obtained as from the second year following that during which the plantation was carried out before August 31; 3 - Wines coming from the vines not having undergone, even partially, neither annular incision nor proceeded similar; 4 - Grapes of which saccharimetric richness and wines whose alcoholometric title were fixed after opinion of the commission established by article 3 of the Order in Council of September 28, 1935. [These provisions were supplemented by the decrees n° 74.872 of October 19, 74.958 modified of November 20: - ceiling limits classification: 20%] The bona fide purchaser could not be worried with the case of delivery by one collecting of wine not answering the requirements to be matched appellation contrôlée “champagne”. Without damage of the sanctions incurred by collecting, the purchaser must restore with the salesman and the expenses of this one a quantity of wine equal to that which could not profit from name “champagne”. (Replaced, D. of December 22, 1994) - the declaration of harvest must indicate the weight of the grapes implemented and the corresponding quantity of cleansed musts. The controlled label of origin “Champagne” can be asserted only for one wine obtained starting from a maximum quantity of musts cleansed of 102 liters for 160 kilogrammes of grape implemented, after a pressing carried out according to rules' fixed by the decree of modified June 29, 1936. (Modified, L. November 5, 1984) - the wines other than those placed in bottles and completely handled introduced in the manufacturers, in the special stores envisaged in article 16 of this law, are dealt with, at a rate of 98,5% of their volume, with the account of the label of origin “Champagne”. (Replaced, D. of December 22, 1994) - control is ensured by the agents of the general direction of competition, the consumption and the repression of the frauds and by those of the general direction of the customs and indirect rights.

Art 18. -

(Replaced L. July 22, 1927) - the Minister for agriculture determines the conditions under which will be established, in each department and for all the communes envisaged with the preceding article, the list of the grounds likely to be allowed to confer on their wines name “Champagne”, according to the principles posed to that the article. The grounds will be indicated by reference, with the localities, sections and numbers of the land register. If no ground appears to meet in the commune the conditions required to be entitled to name “champagne”, the drawn up verbal lawsuit, under the conditions fixed above, will have to note it. The list of the likely grounds D “admitted being, or the official report cited in the preceding paragraph will be deposited with the town hall. Opinion of this deposit, follow-up of the text of this article, will be posted with the door of the town hall and will be published in two daily newspapers of legal advertisements of the department. All interested people will be able to take note and address of it, within three month starting from this publication, hardly of preclusion, their observations or complaints with the prefect who will give receipt of it. With the expiry of this three months deadline, a Commission interdépartementale will meet successively in the prefecture of each department, with in the chair member of the Room of agriculture by it indicated and which is neither owner in the commune, nor wine grower. This Commission will include/understand three deputy wine trade unions of the Marne and Aisne, and three delegated wine trade unions of the Paddle, elected in each department by the Federation of the wine Trade unions. The director of the agricultural Services of the department where seat the Commission will make function of secretary rapporteur with advisory voice. The files will be communicated to the Commission with the protests or complaints if it is produced by it. It will hear all the interested parties who would have made known their intention to present observations and, generally, will use of all the means of investigations which will appear necessary to him. It will rule in the majority of her members on all the disputes which will be subjected to him and will determine in a final way, by a special decision for each commune, the list of the grounds constituting the surface of production or will note that there exists in the commune no ground answering the conditions fixed by article 17 of this law. The decision of the Commission interdépartementale will be written in three specimens, of which one will be deposited with the town hall of the commune and another with the mental files départe, where any interested party will be able them to consult and S " to make some deliver copy. The expenses determined by the application of the regulations above will be supported by each interested department for the share which relates to it. The decisions of the Commissions interdépartementales (third specimen) will be centralized with the Ministry for agriculture and will be published in the terms of article 11 of this law. (Supplemented L. February 11, 1951) - the national Institute of the labels of origin of the wines and brandies will be able to revise if it is necessary, after opinion of the Trade union general of the vine growers of Champagne, the decisions of the Commission interdépartementale within the framework of the provisions appearing in the fourth paragraph of article 17 above. [See D. June 29, 1936, art 3, modified, Card 1].

Art 19. -

By exception to the provisions of article 16 above, could be introduced into the buildings aimed by this article, the wines intended for the consumption of collecting or manufacturer and the people whom it employs, within the limits and under the conditions fixed annually by the departmental director of the Indirect taxation. (Supplemented, D.L. June 17, 1938) - cuttings and mixtures of wines carried out in the special store, for the preparation of “rosy” Champagne wine must be declared with the receipt tobacconist of the Indirect taxation two hours before the beginning of the operations.

Art 20. -

(Supplemented, L. July 22, 1927) - the grapes and the wines in circle intended for the manufacture of champagne and meeting the conditions of origin, of surface of production and type of vines required by article 17 above, can be dispatched with a title of control carrying name “Champagne” only of one locality included/understood in wine Champagne and only bound for one another locality also located out of wine Champagne. (A L. 2 modified, L. April 10, 1953. Repealed, L. Dec 13, 1973) (Supplemented, D.L. Sept. 28, 1935, Modified D. October 14, 1997) - From on January 1, 1998, the Champagne wines, except for the transfers between the operators of the area, will be able to leave the separate wine storehouses aimed to article 16 or the wine storehouses of owner-collecting only the fifteen months at least after their pulling out of bottle. These bottles will be covered with a label carrying the word “Champagne” in very apparent characters. The cases or packing containing these bottles will have to carry the same word, also in very apparent characters. All measurements of control necessary to ensure the application of this provision, as well in the tradesmen as with the property, will be fixed by the Administration. (Supplemented, L. July 22, 1927; D. April 13, 1999) - the bottles containing the wines will have to be closed of a stopper carrying the same word on the part contained in the collar of the bottle. In the presentation of the finished wines profiting from name “Champagne”, the names or corporate name of elaborative as well as the commune or part of commune where there is its seat must appear on the bottles, in all letters, in a clear and readable way. (Supplemented, D.L. June 17, 1938) - Any dispatch note of wine of champagne bound for one collecting or handling trader must be completed at least six hours before removal. (Supplemented, L. November 5 l984), Supplemented D. October 14, 1997 - No wine with name “Champagne” can be drawn in bottles before January 1 following its harvest. (Supplemented, D. October 14, 1997) The elimination of the by-products resulting from fermentation in bottles intended to make the wine sparkling must be carried out by discharging. From January 1, 1998, discharging must be carried out after one twelve months period as from the date of pulling during which the wines will have to be out of bottle without interruption.

Art.21. -

The sparkling wines without label of origin could not be put on sale without, that the bottles are covered, in the three months of the promulgation of this law, of a label carrying the words “sparkling wines” in very apparent characters. In the same way, the wine bottles whose effervescence will have been obtained, even partially, by carbonic addition of acid not coming from their own fermentation will have to carry, in very apparent characters, the mention “wine sparkling gasified”.

Art 22. (Modified, L. July 22, 1927) -

the infringements with the provisions of the articles…, 16,17,19, 20… above will be punished of at least a one month imprisonment and one year to more and of a fine of one hundred frank (l00F) at least and of five thousand frank (5000 F) with more or one of these two sorrows only. [Fines to be brought up to date.] Will be able as the courts to completely order the publication of the judgment of condemnation or extract in such newspapers as they will indicate and its posting with the doors of the residence and the stores of condemned, the whole at the expenses of this one. Will be punished sorrows carried in the preceding paragraph all misrepresentation having for goal to obtain one of the forwardings envisaged by articles 23 and 24 of the law of March 31, 1903, and by article 25 of the law of August 6, 1905, without damage of the sanctions envisaged by the tax laws.

Art 23. -

Article 463 of the Penal code is applicable to the offences laid down by the present law.

Art. 24. -

(Modifié L. 22 juillet 1927) - A partir du moment où l'aire de production du champagne aura été déterminée conformément aux dispositions des articles 17 et 18 ci-dessus, cesseront d'être en vigueur et d'avoir effet toutes dispositions des lois, décrets ou décisions antérieures en tant qu'elles sont contraires aux prescriptions de la présente loi. Avertissement : Les informations présentées sur ce site font l'objet d'une clause de non responsabilitéINAO_19190506_1802/11/2006 Document téléchargeable : AOC_Champagne_-_Conditions_de_production_-_1999.doc