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EDVR Eaux-de-vie originaires des Côteaux de la Loire, Eaux-de-Vie de marc originaires des Côteaux de la Loire machine translated reference / legal text

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Art 1st. -

(Modified, D. November 21, 1946, supplemented, D. 48.192 of January 31, modified, D. January 27, 1951, modified, D. May 9, 1980) - Only will be able to profit from the denominations “wine Brandies originating in Côteaux in the Loire” and “Brandies of marc originating in Côteaux in the Loire”, the brandies of wine or marc answering the conditions hereafter enumerated and coming from wines or marcs collected and distilled on the territory of the following departments: 1. Departments. Loire-Atlantique, the Vendée, the Maine-and-Loire, the Indre-and-Loire, Indre, Dormouse-and-Expensive, Expensive, Loiret, Nievre, the Sarthe, Vienna, To combine, Two-Sevres, except for the communes of this last department included/understood in the delimited surface of the appellation contrôlée “Cognac”. 2. Department of the Loire. Communes of Ambierle,

Arthun, Bellegarde-

in-Drill, Boën-on-Lignon, Bully, Bussy-Albieux, Champdieu, Changy, Commelle-Vernay, Cordelle, Crozet, DébatsRivière-in Orpra, Ecotay-l' OIme, Hospital-under-Rochefort, Leigneux, Lentigny, Lézigneux, Marcilly-le-Châtel, Marcoux, Moingt, Montbrison, Ouches, Pacaudières, Perreux, Pouilly-les-Nonains, Pralong, Renaison, Sail-under-Couzan, Holy-Agathe-the-Bouteresse, Saint-Alban-the-Water, Saint-Andre-in Apchon, Saint-George-High-City, Saint-Haon-leChâtel, Saint-Haon-the-Old man, Saint-Hilaire-under-Charlieu, Saint-Jean-the-Puy, Saint-Laurent-Rochefort, the Saint-Mauricesur-Loire, Saint-Nizier-under-Charlieu, Saint-Pierre-the-Noaille, Saint-Sixth, Saint-Thomas-the-Guard, Saint-Vincent-of-Boisset, Trelins, Villemontais, Villerêt. 3. Department of Saone-et-Loire. Communes of Fleury-the-Mountain, Iguerande, Mailly, Saint-Bonnet-of-CRAY, Saint-Julien-of-Jouzy.

Art 2. -

(Modified, D. November 21, 1946) - the wine brandies originating in Côteaux of the Loire will have to come from wines showing the characteristics of a healthy, honest and commercial wine, other than the damaged wines of bad taste. Unsuitable wines with the consumption, for any other reason that the insufficiency of alcoholic strength, could not be useful for manufacture of brandies. The brandies of marc originating in Côteaux of the Loire will have to come exclusively from healthy marcs, washed or not washed, obtained by a wine making in conformity with the local, honest and constant uses. (Supplemented, D. January 31, 1948) - the wines implemented must not have a volatile acidity expressed in sulphuric acid higher than 1,20 G per liter.

Art 3. -

(Modified, D. November 21, 1946) - the brandies regulated by this decree, will have to come from wines or marcs resulting from type of vines authorized for the production from the wine from the area referred to above, in accordance with the local uses, honest and constant, other than type of vines prohibited by article 96 of the code of the wine.

Art 4. -

(Modified, D. November 21, 1946 and D. January 30, 1967) - the brandies regulated by this decree will have to be distilled by means of stills of the following types: 1° Alambics with pass by again and stills with first discontinuous jet, heated with naked fire or the vapor and of a maximum capacity of 60 hl by vase and twenty-four hours. 2° Fractionating columns, heated with the vapor and of a maximum capacity of 400 raw material hl twenty-four hours.

Art 5. -

The brandies regulated by this decree will have to present the following degrees of alcohol (at 15° C); 1° (Modified, D. November 21, 1946, supplemented, D. 48-191 of January 31, 1948) - On the outlet side of the apparatuses: 71° to the maximum. They must at least have a content not-alcohol of 300 G per hectolitre of pure alcohol for brandies of wine, and 500 G at least per hectolitre of pure alcohol for brandies of marc. 2° (Modified, D. November 21, 1946 and D. January 27, 1951) - At the time of the sale to the consumer: 40° G.L at least. They will be subjected to the appreciation of interprofessional commissions tasters appointed by the national Committee of the labels of origin under conditions which will be fixed by decree of the minister Secretary of State at agriculture.

Art 6. -

In the establishments where the alcohols reserved for the State and brandies regulated by this decree would be manufactured, one month a minimum time will have to be run out between this two manufacture.

Art 7. -

(Modified, D. Nov 21, 1946) - the words “Brandies originating in Côteaux of the Loire” or 7 Brandies of marc originating in Côteaux in the Loire “will have obligatorily to be reproduced on the declarations of harvest and distillation, the parts of control, labels, packing, containers, invoices, advertisements and all other trade papers concerning of brandies regulated by this decree. It moreover will be allowed to make there appear the name of a label of origin controlled of this area under the condition which the brandy considered comes from wine or marcs resulting from grape harvest answering completely the conditions imposed by the decree from control from the label of origin in question.

Art 8. -

The brandies regulated by this decree, when they are declared for manufacture, are offered to the public, are dispatched, put or on sale sold, will not have to carry like only mention of guarantee, in the declarations, the advertisements, on the leaflets, invoices, labels, containers unspecified, that the words “regulated by decree”.

Art 9. -

The use of any indication or any sign likely to make believe in the purchaser that a brandy is entitled to name regulated above, whereas it does not answer all the conditions envisaged with the present decree, will be continued in accordance with the general legislation on the frauds and the protection of the labels of origin (art 1 and 2 of the law of August 1, 1905; art 8 of the law of May 6, 1919; art 13 of the decree of August 19, 1921) without damage of the sanctions of a tax nature, if it is necessary, and will make lose with this brandy the benefit of the paragraph C of the law of January 13, 1941. Warning: Information pré senté be on this site are the subject of a clause of nonresponsabilité INAO_19420223_54702/11/2006 Downloadable document: EDVR_Eaux-de-vie_originaires_des_Coteaux_de_la_Loire_-_1980.doc