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AOC Macvin du Jura machine translated reference / legal text

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Decree of September 26, 2002 modifying the decree of November 14, 1991 defining the conditions of production of the liqueur wines in controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura” - J.O n° 231 of October 3, 2002 page 16351

Art 1st. -

Only are entitled to the controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura” the red, rosy or white liqueur wines answering the conditions fixed hereafter.

Art 2. -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura”, the liqueur wines must result from grape harvest collected in the surface of production delimited inside the territory of the following cantons: Department of the Jura: Cantons of Villers-Farlay, Saline, Alpine laburnum, Poligny, Sellières, Voiteur, Bletterans, Conliège, Lons-the-Salt maker, Beaufort, Saint-Love, Saint-Julien.

Art 3. -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura”, the liqueur wines must result from grape harvest collected in the surface of production delimited by pieces or parts of pieces, such as it was approved by the national Committee of the national Institute of the labels of origin for the controlled label of origin” Coasts of the Jura “. The plans of delimitation are deposited in the town halls of the common interested parties.

Art 4. -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura”, the liqueur wines must be elaborate starting from musts resulting from following type of vines, other than all others: has) Red and rosy liqueur wines: - poulsard or ploussard; - trousseau; - pinot black (called large noirien locally); b) White liqueur wines: - chardonnay (locally called melon of white Alpine laburnum or gamay); - savagnin (called locally naturé).

Art 5. -

The vines producing the musts intended for the development of the liqueur wines being entitled to the controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura” must be cut and planted according to provisions' planned for the vines intended for the production of the controlled label of origin “Coasts of the Jura”.

Art 6. -

The provisions of the decree n° 74-872 of October 19, 1974 are applicable to the musts intended for making of liqueur wines for controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura”. The basic output aimed to the article 1st of the above mentioned decree is fixed: - with 55 hectolitres with the hectare of vine in production for musts intended for the development of the liqueur wines “Macvin du Jura” reds or rosy; - with 60 hectolitres with the hectare of vine in production for the musts intended for the development of the liqueur wines “Macvin du Jura” white. The percentage envisaged in its article 3, which determines the limiting ceiling of classification, is fixed at 20 p. 100. The young vines can be taken into account for the production of must intended for making of liqueur wine “Macvin du Jura” only as from the second year following that during which the plantation at summer realized on the piece before August 31.

Art 7. -

The liqueur wines being entitled to the controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura” must be elaborate in accordance with the local, honest and constant uses. They profit from all the oenological processes authorized by the laws and payments in force.

Art 8. -

(Modified, D. December 5, 1996, Modified D. September 26, 2002) - to be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura”, the liqueur wines must be elaborate starting from musts coming from collected grapes with good maturity and presenting a minimum natural alcoholometric title of 10 p. 100 volume in power. Musts will have to be used for the period of the grape harvest, progressively with their harvest, without any filtration. They can have undergone a beginning of fermentation and must have at the moment of the mutage a high content in natural sugar at least equal to 153 grams per liter of must. Musts profit from all the oenological processes authorized by the laws and regulations in force. The use of must resulting from a former harvest, of concentrated must or nouveau riche is formally prohibited. The brandy with regulated label of origin “brandy of marc of Franche-Comté” used for the mutage must come from the same exploitation as musts. It must have a minimum voluminal alcoholometric title of 52°, to be stale, i.e. to be stored and out-of-date as of the end of distillation, out of barrels of oak at the elaborative one for at least eighteen months. The liqueur wines to controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura” must be prepared by mutage in only once with brandy with regulated label of origin” brandy of marc of Franche-Comté “answering the conditions referred to above in quantity such as their acquired voluminal alcoholometric title either ranging between 16° and 22°. The mixture must be made, then left closely at rest. The liqueur wines to controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura” thus worked out must be preserved in containers of oak. They cannot leave the wine storehouses of elaborative before October 1 of the year which follows that of harvest.

Art 9. -

The liqueur wines of controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura” cannot be put in circulation without a certificate of approval delivered by the national Institute of the labels of origin, after examination carried out under the conditions envisaged by the decree n° 74-871 of October 19, 1974.

Art 10. -

The liqueur wines for which under the present decree the controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura is asserted” not being able to be declared after harvest, to be offered to public, to be dispatched, put on sale or to be sold without, in the declaration of harvest, the advertisements, on the leaflets, labels, invoices, containers unspecified, the label of origin referred to above are registered and accompanied by the mention” appellation contrôlée “, the whole in very apparent characters. In the presentation, the mention “Macvin du Jura” can be carried on one or more lines, but without intermediate mention. Words: “Macvin” and “the Jura” must be registered in characters identical, very apparent, of the same dimension, as well in height width, and of the same color. Any mention or indication other than the words “Macvin du Jura” cannot be registered on the labels as in characters whose dimensions, as well in height as in width, do not exceed the double of those of the words “Macvin du Jura”.

Art 11. -

The use of any indication or any sign likely to make believe in the purchaser that a liqueur wine is entitled to the controlled label of origin “Macvin du Jura”, whereas it does not answer all the conditions fixed by this decree, will be continued in accordance with the general legislation on the frauds and the protection of the labels of origin, without damage of the sanctions of a tax nature, if it is necessary.

Art 12. -

The liqueur wines produced before at the date of publication of this decree at the Official Journal will be able to continue to be marketed under the name “Macvin du Jura” without the mention” appellation contrôlée “, within the limit of the quantities recognized by the services of the general direction of the taxes and the general direction of competition, the consumption and the repression of the frauds. Warning: Information pré senté be on this site are the subject of a clause of nonresponsabilité INAO_19911114_23902/11/2006 Downloadable document: AOC_Macvin_du_Jura_-_2002.doc