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AOC Muscat de Mireval machine translated reference / legal text

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Decree of August 29, 2002 modifying the decree of December 28, 1959 relating to the controlled label of origin “Muscat de Mireval” - J.O n° 206 of September 4, 2002 page 14694

Art 1st. -

Only are entitled to the appellation contrôlée “Muscat de Mireval” the white Wines which, answering the conditions enumerated hereafter, were collected on territories of the following communes: Mireval and Vic-la-Gardiole (apart from the delimited surface “Frontignan”), except for the grounds which, by the nature of their ground or their situation, are unsuitable producing the wine of name. The limits of the surface of production thus defined will be deferred on the cadrastal maps of the communes by the experts appointed by the management committee of the national Institute of the labels of origin, deposited in the town halls of the common interested parties.

Art 2. -

The wines being entitled to the appellation contrôlée “Muscat de Mireval” will have obligatorily to come from the type of vine white muscatel to small grains, other than very other.

Art 3. -

The vines producing the wine with appellation contrôlée “Muscat de Mireval” will have to be cut with two frank eyes and against-bud. (Supplemented, D. May 19, 1972) - the presence of fruit trees in a piece makes lose with its harvest the right to the appellation contrôlée. The irrigation is prohibited in some form that it is and at any time of the year, except granted exceptional exemption, for vineyards or parts of vineyards, for the nonvegetative period of the vine by the national institute of the labels of origin and, out this period, by decree of the Minister for the agriculture and the Minister for the economy and finances after opinion of this institute.

Art 4. -

(Modified, D. May 19, 1972) - the wines profiting from the appellation contrôlée referred to above will have to be obtained with musts obligatorily having an initial natural wealth of sugar of 252 grams at least per liter, in which was made, in the course of fermentation, a contribution evaluated out of pure alcohol of 5% at least and 10% to the maximum of the volume of musts, using alcohol titrating at least 95°. The made wines will have to titrate a richness minimum out of actual alcoholic strength of 15° and to contain at least 125 grams of sugar per liter. The operations of mutage must be carried out before December 31 of the year of harvest of musts. However, of the complements of mutage could be authorized or ordered by the Fraud Squad within the limit of a total addition of pure alcohol 10%, before the delivery of the certificate envisaged in article 6 of this decree. Any operation of enrichment other than the mutage and the complements of mutage under the conditions noted above, and especially any operation of chaptalization, concentration or congelation even within the legal limits is prohibited under penalty of making lose the right to the appellation contrôlée for the wine on which it would have been practised. The grape harvest of the young vines could on the spot be used for the development of the wine with appellation contrôlée “Muscat de Mireval” only starting from the fourth sheet of the graft (this one included/understood) after grafting or installation of marble-grafted).

Art 5. -

(Modified D. May 19, 1972, Modified D. August 29, 2002) - the label of origin referred to above is applicable only within the limit of 30 hectolitres must per hectare of vine in production. This limit can be modified each year following the quantity and the quality of harvest, by decision of the national committee of the wines and brandies of the national Institute of the labels of origin approved by decree of the minister in charge of agriculture after consultation of a commission of five members named by the national Institute of the labels of origin on a proposal from the trade union of defense most representative of the appellation contrôlée in question, adopted by the general assembly of the aforesaid trade union. The increases in basic output are granted only in exceptional year where quality and quantity arise simultaneously. The surplus quantities are displaced. However individual exemptions can be granted by the national institute of the labels of origin after checking of the quality of the harvest and the conditions of production. The requests will have to be presented before the beginning of the grape harvest.

Art 6. -

(Modified, D. May 19, 1972) - the wines for which the appellation contrôlée referred to above will be asserted could not be put in circulation without a certificate of approval delivered by the national institute of the labels of origin taking into consideration condition fixed by the regulation in force. The delivery of this certificate is subordinated to an analytical and organoleptic control wines, on opinion of an inspection board indicated on a proposal from the trade union of defense most representative of name in question by the national institute of the labels of origin. Rules of procedure worked out by the trade union and approval by the national institute of the labels of origin will determine in accordance with the regulation in force, the procedure to be followed for the operation of the inspection board and the delivery of the certificate of approval. [These provisions were supplemented by the decree n° 74.871 of October 19] The name of name will have to be registered on the labels in very apparent characters whose dimensions as well in width as in height will not have to be lower than those of any other mention being reproduced on the label.

Art 7. -

To in no case the word “Mireval” could not be reproduced on the labels of the bottles containing of the similar wines or sweet aperitif wines or liqueur wines, not being entitled to the appellation contrôlée “Muscat de Mireval”. The postal address of the owners and traders installed in the commune of Mireval could consequently be reproduced on the aforementioned bottles only in the condition of being placed at the back of the bottle and of being registered on a special label being marked exclusively following: Postal address: X…, trader with Mireval (Herault). The whole in identical characters and whose dimensions will not have to exceed two millimetres. The quality of owner or wine grower will not have to appear to in no case on the labels intended for products not being entitled to the appellation contrôlée “Muscat de Mireval”. The name of “Mireval” will not be able to in no case to be reproduced on the containers other than the bottles as on packing containing of the products not being entitled to the appellation contrôlée defined by this decree, if it is not in the form of a postal address made out so as to not give birth to any confusion in the spirit from the purchaser.

Art 8. -

The wines for which, under the present decree, will be asserted the appellation contrôlée “Muscat de Mireval” could not be declared after harvest, be offered to the public, be dispatched, put on sale or sold, without in the declaration of harvest, the advertisements, on the leaflets, the origin referred to above being accompanied by the mention “appellation contrôlée” in very apparent characters.

Art 9. -

The use of any indication or any sign likely to make believe in the purchaser that a wine is entitled to the appellation contrôlée defined by this decree, whereas it does not answer all the conditions fixed by this decree, will be continued in accordance with the general legislation on the frauds and the protection of the labels of origin (art 1 and 2 of the law of August 1, 1905, art 8 of the law of May 6, 1919, art 13 of the decree of August 19, 1921), without damage of the sanctions of a tax nature if it is necessary. Warning: Information pré senté be on this site are the subject of a clause of nonresponsabilité INAO_19591228_10802/11/2006 Downloadable document: AOC_Muscat_de_Mireval_-_2002.doc